A Coral Transplantation with Postgraduate Udayana University

Article by Arthur Masse and pictures by Agung Bayu
On Friday the 29th of June, Nusa Dua Reef Foundation welcomes a group of around 40 people from the Postgraduate Program of Udayana University, Bali on Nusa Dua beach. This group included students in Environmental Sciences and Biology, lecturers and postgraduate office staffs, vice director and director. Were also present the coordinator of Master’s Degree in Biology study program and the coordinator of Master’s Degree in Ergonomy program.
After an opening speech from the Director of the Postgraduate, Dr. I Putu Gede Adiatmika, the Vice Director of the Student and Academic Affairs Mrs. Dr. Ida Ayu Astarini, and Pariama Hutasoit, Director of the Nusa Dua Reef Foundation, the coral transplantation took place.
Pariama Hutasoit teached the students, lectures and staffs how the coral transplantation works and how to make it the best way possible. Through different proceeds and techniques, everyone could learn the theory before going into the practice.

The goal of this activity was twice: For Nusa Dua Reef Foundation, to show the work they are doing and make people aware of what’s happening with the coral those days. For the students of the Udayana University, 3 interests. The first one was to get involved in coral reef rehabilitation in Bali and particularly in Nusa Dua. Then, the postgraduate’s students in University learned about coral ecosystem, so the goal was to increase their awareness and understanding on how vital the rehabilitation of coral and maintaining and healthy coastal ecosystem is and on how vital it is for the costal environment. Finally, this activity can give ideas for the master thesis the student have to work on in PhD.
The group transplanted coral pieces on about 10 structures. After this, the team from Nusa Dua Reef Foundation, with the help of Ida Ayu Astarini and Job Nico Subagio, a marine biologist, brought and installed the fresh new structures in the coral garden of Nusa Dua.
Having more and more people feeling involved in coral conservation and who want to know and see about the work the different NGO’s are doing is the key to increase awareness and change behavior about corals extinction, but it’s also a big motivation for those organizations to keep fighting for what they’re doing. This activity with Udayana University was very good and we look forward to see them again at Nusa Dua Reef Foundation.